Entries by David Kazemi

Mastering change with Kotter’s 8-Step approach in veterinary practice

You discover a smart solution to a meaningful problem, only to face the toughest challenge yet: getting people to change. In this how-to article, we’ll go through a simple and popular method which you can use to win the hearts and minds of your colleagues in practice – helping you successfully implement your next improvement […]

Where to begin on your quality improvement journey in practice

Are you eager to do some quality improvements but find the sheer number of potential improvement opportunities overwhelming? In this blog article, we’ll identify six key areas to begin your improvement project, complete with practical examples. By the end, you’ll feel confident and ready to embark on your journey. Aligning with Strategy  When diving into […]

Preparing for a successful RCVS Practice Standards Scheme assessment

Your inbox pings, and there it is – the email from your RCVS assessor with the all-important assessment date. As you stare at it, the initial feeling of unease creeps in, and you wonder how to kick off this journey. If this scenario sounds familiar, fear not! We’ve got your back. In this blog, we’re […]

Essential temperature monitoring solutions for your medicines

This article will cover the importance of monitoring your medicine’s temperatures, especially for your upcoming RCVS Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) or Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) assessment. Why is temperature monitoring for medicines so important?  To keep your medicines working effectively, you’ll need to store them at the right temperature as described in their specific product […]